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What is SOIVRE control and which goods does it regulate in the Canary Islands?

Mar 26, 2024 | Import, Customs, Export

In the world of commerce and import/export, there are a series of regulations and controls that must be followed to ensure the quality and safety of products entering and leaving a specific territory. In the case of the Canary Islands, one of these regulations is the control carried out by SOIVRE (Official Service of Inspection, Surveillance, and Regulation of Exports), whose function is to guarantee compliance with the regulatory requirements of commercial quality, safety, and absence of pesticides in the goods imported and exported.

SOIVRE is an official service responsible for inspecting and regulating exports in Spain. In the specific case of the Canary Islands, this service plays a fundamental role in supervising the goods entering and leaving the archipelago.

What functions does SOIVRE have in the Canary Islands?

It performs several key functions related to the goods circulating in the Canary Islands:

1. Inspection at the border

Verification of goods upon entry and exit from the Canary Islands to ensure compliance with all quality and safety requirements established by current legislation.

2. Regulatory compliance

This service ensures that all imported and exported goods comply with current regulations regarding commercial quality, safety, and absence of pesticides.

3. Risk prevention

SOIVRE works to prevent the entry of products that represent a risk to public health or the environment, as well as to prevent the exit of products that do not meet the required quality standards.

SOIVRE control on imports in the Canary Islands

A wide variety of goods are subject to SOIVRE control when imported into the Canary Islands. The products included in these controls are:

  • Agri-food products.
  • Industrial products.
  • Ecological products.
  • Electric and electronic devices (AEE).
  • Batteries and accumulators (PPAA).

Each type of goods controlled by SOIVRE has a specific process for each type of merchandise. Customs representatives, like Tránsitos Mario Ramos, will know how to guide you through the entire import process properly. From requesting SOIVRE control to registering technical documentation in the corresponding repository, having an experienced customs representative can greatly facilitate compliance with the requirements and procedures necessary for importing goods.

SOIVRE control on exports in the Canary Islands

In the field of exports, the SOIVRE Inspection Service plays a crucial role as an inspection body at the border. Its main function at the Canary Islands border is to ensure compliance with regulatory standards of commercial quality during the export process. This involves verifying that products comply with the requirements established by both local authorities and relevant international organizations. The goods requiring SOIVRE control are:

  • Agri-food products.

In conclusion, the SOIVRE Inspection Service plays an essential role in international trade, ensuring that goods meet established quality standards. Both in the field of imports and exports, its work contributes to protecting public health, ensuring food safety, and maintaining product integrity in the market. For companies involved in foreign trade, having the support of specialized customs representatives, such as Tránsitos Mario Ramos, can significantly simplify the process, ensuring efficient compliance with all regulations and requirements. Ultimately, SOIVRE control in imports and exports to and from the Canary Islands is fundamental to promote safe and responsible trade in the region and beyond.

Customs agency with over 40 years of service in the Canary Islands archipelago. Contact us to address any questions or proposals you may have.

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