Recycling Certification: A New RequirementScenarios and Certification EntitiesTransition and Final Considerations More info: Excise tax on non-reusable plastic packaging As awareness of plastic pollution continues to grow, governments worldwide are implementing...
New Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Regulation: An Overview
TABLE OF CONTENTS:Scope of the CBAM Regulation:Obligations During the Transitional Period:Full Implementation of the CBAM:Conclusions: Read complete documentation: The CBAM Regulation (EU 2023/956) officially came into force the day after its publication in the...
Regulation of Wood Packaging in International Trade (ISPM 15)
TABLE OF CONTENTS:What is ISPM 15?What does ISPM 15 require?Treatment ProcessMarking and CertificationImportance of Compliance with the Standard International trade, with its constant flow of goods between countries and continents, requires strict regulations to...
Animal health controls in importation and exportation to/from the Canary Islands
TABLE OF CONTENTS:Animal Health Control in importation to the Canary IslandsWhat goods are regulated by animal health in importation and what is the process?Animal Health Control in exportation to the Canary IslandsWhat goods are regulated by animal health in...
Sanitary controls in importation and exportation to/from the Canary Islands
TABLE OF CONTENTS:Sanitary controls in importation to the Canary IslandsWhat products must undergo sanitary controls in importation to the Canary Islands and what is the procedure?Sanitary controls in exportation from the Canary IslandsWhat products must undergo...
Phytosanitary controls in importation and exportation to/from the Canary Islands
TABLE OF CONTENTS:Phytosanitary controls on imports to the Canary IslandsWhat products must undergo phytosanitary controls when imported into the Canary Islands and what is the procedure?Phytosanitary controls on exports from the Canary IslandsWhat products must...
What is SOIVRE control and which goods does it regulate in the Canary Islands?
TABLE OF CONTENTS:What functions does SOIVRE have in the Canary Islands?1. Inspection at the border2. Regulatory compliance3. Risk preventionSOIVRE control on imports in the Canary IslandsSOIVRE control on exports in the Canary Islands In the world of commerce and...
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